I worked on my form and nose breathing and I think I did feel more energy from the deeper breathing. I worked on Barefoot Ken Bobs advice of "Relax, Relax, Relax" and imagined my ankles and knees as springs and not rigid.
I did not eat before or during the run and after the initial feelings of hunger I was comfortable again. I did drink Gatorade during the run and felt nicely hydrated. The run sadly took forever to do though. I don't even want to post my average time per mile it was so slow. I do not have any blisters though so that is the upside to a turtle pace.
I loved when I hit the wall and was able to find that place inside myself that has access to hidden energies that push me forward through time and space when I so badly want to stop.
I feel so accomplished when I walk through my front door and sit down on the sofa!
I did feel ,and have for a couple of weeks, that my Chi is bunched up somewhere and not flowing like it should. I keep meaning to do some yoga.....alas I will probably feel motivated to do it when I am running again tomorrow and thinking that my Chi is still blocked.
The huge amount of people I have to pass on the way(state fair is going on just down the street) gives me a nice dose of anxiety but all the comments about my naked dogs have been fairly benign. I need to go over the list on RW barefoot forum and memorize some comebacks just in case I am faces with a naysayer.
After coming home I took the kids to speech therapy at Childserve which everyone enjoys. Its nice to get some social interaction with people who care about my kiddos.
I have been working on checking off items on the to do lists. I came up with a descent recipe for gluten free black pepper turkey biscuits. Gluten free baking and cooking is a tricky endeavor. Gluten is what holds baked goods together so a bonding agent like xantham gum is needed for GF baking. Even cooking Rice pasta is different than wheat or even corn pasta. Its all rather touchy and it takes a while to get used to the different flavors. The biscuits are similar to turkey bierocks when spicy mustard is put on them. All in all a success.
Also went looking for baby feet photos on my computer and really love this one! My babies are growing up so fast! Wish I was that flexible :)
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