
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Miles for the week

I run solely barefoot now. No more shoes for me so when I update assume all miles are barefoot.
This week, Monday 10th to Sunday 16th, was my second highest mileage week with 32.25 miles and I am thinking that I will get in a couple of miles on the treadmill tonight since my legs and feet feel a bit sore. The run will loosen them up before bed.
I took a break last week after a 34 mile week and this week I felt really great.
No new blisters or glass incidents to speak of. Still very slow but speed will come later. I am quite happy with my progress.


  1. I'm also at about 30-40 miles a week barfoot. I just completed the Pigman 1/2 Ironman and did the run barefoot. The surface that gives me the most hesitation is chip seal. The streets around my house have recently been resurfaced with the stuff. The rocks are sharp and bug the crap out of me. Do you have experience with this surface?

  2. Thats great and congrats on the 1/2 Ironman! I have not come across the chip seal yet but it doesn't sound pleasant. I run on old roads where the aggregate is showing through and that can be a bit rough.
