Jaymon held me up as I stood in front of him and surprisingly enough noticed how buff his arms looked as I hung from him and we danced and swayed to Jack Johnson and a very classic textbook birth occurred in fast forward.
( My 3rd VBAC and first homebirth!)
Two hours after active labor started Archimedes was born into Jaymons hands and placed immediately on my chest in the bed I made in the spare room in anticipation of his arrival.
We rubbed and massaged him for a couple of minutes until he took his first breathe and opened his eyes. He nursed right away and never did cry until he was being looked over by Sheryl much later in the night.
Our Midwife Sheryl, was 30 minutes late and it was a blessed thing indeed. It was so much better with just Jaymon and I and sleeping older brothers in the next room. I felt a calm determination and I had prepared for years studying and leaning about labor and birth as well as having 2 other natural births before.
I was more clear headed than I think I have ever been and in perfect balance of thought and emotion entwined elegantly with intuition. I am trained as a doula and am quite the birth junky loving all the details that new moms like to share. Here he is all pink and happy only an hour or so old nursing like a champ!
So now I sit thinking over the day he arrive and how much fun we have had since. He is definitely experiencing the terrible twos however his communication and curiosity of the world certainly makes up for it.
We had a lovely day going to the Natural History Museum and then I made soup and cookies when we got home. Next up its my oldest son Samson's birthday on Saturday. That young man will be 10 years old. How the decade has flown by!
So now I am being nostalgic and want to revel in it with some adorable photos from 2 years ago....
This is me at about 38 and a half weeks pregnant. He was born at 41 weeks. I am fairly tall and can hid alot of baby in there!
This is the belly cast that I did of myself when I was 38 weeks pregnant. Its not quite finished in this photo and I did add some birth beads that were given to me by some other mothers in my online pregnancy and due date club I was in through Mothering.com.
Milo was so cute with his new baby brother. We were worried that he would be jealous and not want to share nursies with the new baby but we were happily surprised by his protectiveness and desire to hold the new baby as much as we would let him. This photo is when Archimedes was about 8 or so hours old and we first introduced him to his brothers.
Such a tiny little fella although he did weigh 8lbs 12 oz. when he was born. You can see him on the scale my midwife brought with her after his birth in the picture above.

Attack of the killer baby!!!!
They are full of funny faces when they are brand new!
Not quite smiling yet as he is only a couple of weeks old here.
Here's the little crazy kid at 2 years old!

Still making silly faces!
Of course I have to add a photo of the delish Gluten free and Casein as well as egg free chocolate chip birthday cookies I baked for him today!!
Here's to you Archimedes!
beautiful! happy birthday little guy
Happy 2nd Birthday little man:) That is such a cute picture!! Happy Friday Angie!!
Congratulations! Those are wonderful photos. Being a parent really is an amazing journey.
Congrats little dude.
And nice writing, I don't think I before today have ever made it two sentences into a story about kids or giving birth.
May I ask, what made you decide on this name?
It was his dad's turn to name a kid! I liked his choice so it stuck!
My daughter's 3rd bday is on Feb 2nd! Happy Bday to your little one!!!
Your answer is priceless:It was his dad's turn to name a kid! I liked his choice so it stuck!
Spoken like the mom of many kids...and I bet you're a homeschooling, homebirthing, nonvaxing, extending nursing kinda mama. Or some of the above. Me too :)
Yes Ma'am! All of the above!!
Happy birthday to the little one.
Happy Birthday to your little guy! He shares a birthday with my youngest!
How cool is that Racing With Babes! Its a great day to be born :)
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