
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rainy day and Duct tape (not duck tape people!)

  Raining lightly all day here.  My son Jupiter had a lovely time!  It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when the spawn are happy like that!  Jupiter, for those of you who don't know, has autism and is non verbal.  I worry so often about his stress and anxiety levels and when he is content like he has been today, it certainly takes a load off my heart and mind.

  The hubs is in Salina and I am all alone with a house full of crazy children of the male persuasion!  Not sure if I will get a run in or not but should get to that PX90 hopefully. I haven't made time on the treadmill or even out for a speedy run at all since Thursdays 11.5 in Salina.  I feel sort of lost without it but just a little since I have much to keep me occupied.  I know I gained weight in Salina too. BOOOO on that.  Must get it back off. It feels way worse than what it is but still I feel huge.

I may or may not make it to the Son's of St Patricks 10k race on Sunday but we shall see what the weekend brings.  I need to seriously work on speed and have been such a slacker on it.  Now is the time Girl, Now is the time ,says the punk ass voice in my head!!  I have been waiting for spring for months and now that its here I need to get into gear! ( Stop that rhyming and I mean it, anybody want a peanut?)
  I suppose my main goal is to run the Childserve 5k in May. Its silly but I want to place in my age group. I came in 4th last year and it eats at me!  There are some races in between that will be fun but that is the one that really gets to me.  Childserve is where Jupiter and Milo go for Speech and Occupational therapies and  also where I have met several good friends, one of which is doing the couch to 5k program and I think she is starting to love it!! Yay Patty! So I want to run hard for that race.

 Made it to Two doctors appointments today and made it to the store yesterday.  Got to wear a pretty frilly gown at my appointment and have my lady parts checked out.  Ah the joys of being a girl.  After having children though, I don't think anything makes me uncomfortable really.  My midwife friends like to say that poop and puke are actually a good thing. Very informative bodily functions albeit messy at times . When I feel down about being a girl and all that we go through I think of these women who love women and see the genius that our bodies are, it makes me feel better. For the men who read this and want to feign  squeamishness, suck it up!  You can be pretty gross too and you know it!

  Luckily all the above happened before half of the muffler or exhaust system decided to fall off of my little car. Not completely off, just where it drags and makes a huge ruckus when I drive and then with no muffler my little blue Dori Festiva sounds like something much bigger and scarier.

 The whole time driving home I was thinking that if I just had some wire or a roll of duct tape I could crawl under there and at least get it off the ground.  I had visions of sparks and the perfect fuel air mixture that I was imagining and going up in a fiery blast.  Good thing it was raining and the good car explosions only happen in the movies and thankfully without me in it.

They should make pocket packs of duct tape. Do they??  They should if they don't!

After some looking around I found some pretty cool and funny uses for duct tape.
They have Ductivities on the duct tape site!  I like the Tye dye tape.
Hows this for child care. Pretty darn clever if you ask me.

I feel this way sometimes.

Check out  they have loads of duct tape projects.
The shoes are my Teva Protons. They are minimal water shoes I wear when the terrain or weather does not permit me running barefoot.  This was taken after the Living History Farms XC race.  We went through many water crossings and loads of mud and I was not going to loose a shoe!  So I duct taped them to my feet.  

Weird post I guess but since I am alone here and may need to drive and don't really want to ask my neighbor to help when I can crawl under the car better than he can. I am thinking out loud as to how to deal with this obstacle.  Maybe a wire/duct tape combo.....

Don't forget to enter my Chia seed givaway!  2 lbs to one lucky winner!   Here is an awesome link to chia information!  Thanks Margaret for sharing it!


  1. There's nothing a little duct tape can't fix! Love the picture of happy, clearly.

  2. Your boy is a cutie. I love that smiley picture!
    Don't worry about little weight gain. It will come off really fast.

  3. Hi Angie,
    I love that picture...he looks so happy:) Jupiter is so cute!!

    I can't even tell you how many races that I came in fourth for my age group last year!! It is the same thing for is like...what the hell, if I would of only ran a little faster:) Go get um Angie! Good luck!

  4. Hi Angie,

    I finally got a chance to read through your blog and OMG. I have blog envy. I was all proud of posting a couple anecdotes about my days running barefoot and then I see your beautiful site with such fun and witty writing! Great work! As a parent and as someone with friends and relatives with children with autism I want to congratulate you for your strength and remind you of what a wonderful opportunity for personal growth that you son has given you.

    Here is a poem / ditty that my mom loves (my sister has CP) and I think you would enjoy it too:

    Keep it up! All of it!

  5. After kids I don't think there's anything that can either embarrass me and I can't remember but I think I used to have modesty :)

    Wow! 4th in your age group is awesome!!

  6. hahaha. That duct tape picture of you w/ your shoes crack me up! Is there anything that duct tape CAN"T DO? I'll answer that - no, there is not.

  7. very useful .. yeah it has many use. Maybe i can use that to my kids. Tape them in one place. Also can use that to hide all my foods. And my ever favorite seed. Hahah My chia seeds


    Just a little link for a product called...DUCK TAPE :O)Yep, it does exist.

  9. There actually is a brand named "Duck Tape" and I think it's being marketed as a toy. Maybe technology won't take over childrens' lives after all?

    Here's a funny column on it:,0,1477227.column

    Happy taping :)
