
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

always something interesting on a run.

The morning was flying by and when the first spawn came staggering out with a sleepy smile I knew that I had to go now if I was going to run. I am such a procrastinator and it bugs me. I push until the last minute. The very last minute. I decided to take Milo with me and do some hills with the stroller.
It was cloudy and cold so I wore tights and shorts and a hoody that I ended up taking off at the base of the first hill.
  We were greeted at the cemetery by the Weed Eaters.  A landscaping company has a squadron of immigrant  workers that descend on the cemetery like a swarm of bees or maybe locust although the buzzing is reminiscent of bees.  It makes me feel agitated to hear that noise when I run but the smiles and the burning holes from their x-ray vision staring at my butt when I run by make up for it.  
 Those hills were hard today. I had to  stop and bend over twice and I had to mentally yell at myself several time, no many many times, to at least keep trotting along and not walk. I can rest while running but when I walk I start to cool down and stiffen up and it makes it harder even though my body screams to stop. I want to get at least 30 miles this week. Its only a little over 3 weeks until the Dam to Dam 20k.

  There was preparation for a burial today and there were three young Marines in dress uniform waiting and watching over the grave site.  They were bereaved but sure looked good doing it.  They were tall and broad and square of jaw......aahhemm. Back to my run...we saw flowers and burros. They were out grazing and made Milo very happy! I am uber sore from  P90x Yoga!  Everything hurt and it was awesome that I was able to hold all the poses longer so totally worth it!

I was sent an Invisible Shoe kit and am anxious to get my shoes made today! I am taking pictures to do a review in the near future. Have you entered my two giveaways?   They both end this weekend!  Learn about barefoot running in Jason Robillards The Barefoot Running Book and enter to win a copy here!
Also enter the Sweaty Band giveaway!   There are many other great giveaways going on in the blogsphere so check out my sidebar for the list of links!!


  1. mmm nothing like those sqaure jaws...ughhhh I mean how sad...and great run!

  2. Hill with the jogger. I know what you mean about not stopping!

    It's nice to have distractions while you run...except maybe not the buzzing weed eaters.

  3. Invisible shoe kit? hum? Sounds intriguing. Way to tough out the run today. You will be ready to rock that 20K!

  4. whats an invisible show kit? sounds interesting. 2 1/2 weeks til my first ever barefoot 5k!

  5. No Marines where I run/walk/hike. Maybe I need to change my route. :)
    Wonder how those 'shoes' will work for you. Keep us posted.

  6. Wow...hills with the stroller. Impressive! I'm curious to hear what you think about the Invisible Shoes.

  7. Agreed. For me it's been snakes lately. Would prefer something else, though.

  8. I'm interested to hear how the invisible shoe works out. I would think the strap between your toes would become bothersome, as that bothers me in sandals. I'll wait for the review! Marines are always a good site, although the circumstances seem sad.

  9. Gotta love Marines when running. How do you think I managed to finish the Marine Corp Marathon? LOL

  10. You are doing great Angie! Hills are really hard for me too! You are doing the right thing by running them because they will make you stronger. You are going to do great at your worries:)

  11. Square jaws and invisible shoes?!? sounds like a good morning to me!

    Thanks for linking up my giveaway!!

  12. While sad, armed forces funerals are always a bit awe inspiring

  13. Hmmmm, barefoot shoe kit...very interesting...can't wait to hear more.
