I did 6.25 barefoot miles on my hill route and managed to do it in 65 minutes. I was not pushing myself so I am thinking that doing my hill route with a spawn in the stroller at least once a week is making me stronger!
I saw a dude struggling up a killer hill and was kind of out of breath but managed to yell "good job biker!" and wave and yell "good job" when he looked over at me. I wanted to say something sassier like "way to kick that hills ass" but I was kinda shy and a bit out of breathe anyways.
While chugging up my hills I concentrated on getting in touch with what I want from my 5k next weekend. I have been telling myself that I want to place in my age group yet that is something that if I don't do, it I will inevitably be depressed about so of course I have been stressing about it.
The epiphany that came to me today was that I am going to empty my tank on that 5k. There will be nothing left when I am done. If I throw up in front of hundreds, so be it. If I pass out or die at the finish line, so be it. I am going to empty the tank. It will only be icing on the cake if I place. I will know I ran my best. The decision has been made and now, miraculously, I am at ease and excited and so looking forward to it! What a beautiful thing perspective can be.
Speaking of empty tanks, I didn't eat anything before I left for my run this morning. I had some water and a cup of coffee with rice milk. I think its beneficial to run on an empty tank occasionally to burn some fat and to train my body and mind to keep on keepin on when I am tired and hungry. It wasn't intentional today but I was able to deal.
The hardest part for me about running in the mornings is that I don't fuel well and feel sluggish. A banana is always a trusty snack to grab but being gluten and casein free its hard to just pop in some toast or grab a muffin although I do have a muffin mix I want to test again.
On the way home, I was passed by a man riding a 3 wheeled hand cranked bike. He said "you make my feet hurt and I can't even feel mine!". Smart ass :) He said he wants to get to 100 mile rides by the end of May and has done RAGBRAI several time which is a bike ride across Iowa. We talked for about 5 minutes which is probably where the 5 of my 65 minutes comes from! Happy Biking sassy guy!
The lilacs were so sweet in spots along my route that it was almost too much. Almost. The scent was so thick I could taste it!
I finally have some frozen mixed berries to munch on! We went grocery shopping today! I was out for a couple of days and going through withdrawals! Now I am cold and can't get warmed back up.
I realized after wearing my new running skirt that I bought at Kohl's today that its not a good idea to go clothing shopping the day before Aunt Flo is estimated to arrive since in a week it will fit differntly. Its a very comfortable skirt and has a great pocket for my phone of a GU pack and it doesn't pull the skirt down at all.
I have been wearing the skirt all day and have often wondered how I managed to go so long in life without wearing a running skirt every day!
So what do you fuel up on in the mornings before a run?
Best of luck to all the racers this weekend!!!!!

There is no better piece of clothing than a running skirt. You are going to do great at the 5K next week, especially if you truly push yourself to empty the tank!
Great job just getting out there and running to clear the mind. Regarding fueling, i have learned over the last 20 years of running that eating before any race distance under a marathon does not sit well for me. I can get away with a gu or some sport drink on the course but not much more than that. If i'm running a marathon, i usually will have a powerbar and coffee about 2 hours before the race. On long training runs, i may take a few gu's or a powerbar to nibble on every 30-45 min. I've always been able to run well w/minimal amount of intake. I do make sure to hydrate thru out the long run or race...not nearly as big a deal in shorter distances for me.
Wow you're gonna burn it up out there next week! Glad you're enjoying the skirt!
I typically run on an empty stomach unless I'm doing 10+.
I adore running skirts! I try not to go out empty, so I try to strive for a hard boiled egg and a cheesestick, if nothing else. It depends on how far I am going. If I am going over 12, I will have the egg, cheese, dry toast, and maybe oatmeal. It seems to get me through my morning until I get home to REAL food!
Fun post, I like the guys comment! I know you smiled back! So, I can't do without my running skirts either. My husband was trying to talk me into buying some new running shorts and I just can't do it...they aren't as comfortable! I bet you're excited for next week!
ok i want a running skirt now. first you have me running barefoot, and now looking for a skirt. please don't start wearing a clown hat or a blindfold.
You're going to do SO good at your 5k! I saw a girl running barefoot today during the half marathon and thought of you. :)
That's funny about the guy, I bet you made his day though :). I have a client doing the dam to dam and the Des Moine Marathon (just saw it on your calendar), maybe you guys could meet up :). Anyway, you're going to do great on your 5K, a perfect kick-off race for 2010.
That's funny about the guy, I bet you made his day though :). I have a client doing the dam to dam and the Des Moine Marathon (just saw it on your calendar), maybe you guys could meet up :). Anyway, you're going to do great on your 5K, a perfect kick-off race for 2010.
If I run early in the morning I would not eat anything but I would have to have coffee to get my intestines going or running becomes a desperate search for a place to poop. Not fun.
I will have to stop at Kohls to check out their running stuff.
It's always good to set a goal - good luck next weekend!
A banana w/peanut butter is one of my favs in the morning!
I just bought a skirt and ran in it. I felt sassy & cute and was amazed how comfy it was. Added bonus...the hubby loved it too :)
I don't eat alot before a run. Usually a piece of toast with peanut butter along with some chia. I am however, ALL about the post run food.
I guess for me it just depends on what time I get up/ how far I'm running for that day. I've been on a English Muffin with Grape Jelly kick here for quite a while now and it seems to be working really good! Some days tho if I don't manage to get up in time to eat or I just dont feel hungry I won't eat, but I'll grab a Gatorade and drink that before I go for my run. However, it never fails.. Whether I eat or not I am always starving by the time I make it home. Which usually consists of eating a big bowl of Special K cereal! :)
Good Luck on your 5k! :)
I really like English Muffins w/ Grape Jelly! They've really been working great so far! But my favorite part is eating a big bowl of Special K cereal after my run! :)
Good Luck with your 5k!! :)
I really like English Muffins with Grape Jelly! :) But my favorite is eating a big bowl of Special K cereal after running :)
Being hypoglycemic purposefully skipping a meal before a run would simply not work for me. I generally try to grab a quick smoothie for myself before heading out the door. I find that having something with protein in it works best for me.
I drink a 1/2 a serving of protein powder + water(mixed together obviously). It is not too much, but it holds me over for 2 hours or so. Enough to get a decent run in.
I am considering running an ultra one day. I need to get my body used to running on empty.
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