
Thursday, May 6, 2010

rockin the punk pinks, flaming hoops and bubble toes.

"I don't run to stay in shape; I stay in shape to run" LastPlaceJason aka Jason Robillard

Hello all you new readers and welcome back old friends!!

Had to spice up the happy feet with some punk pink in anticipation of the 5k on Saturday!
Not so bad right! Its not true as a general rule,  that barefoot runners have funky feet. Its certainly better than black toe nails and sweaty raisin feet from being in socks and shoes,no?  Just trying to dispel some myths!
Headed down to the dungeon to do some chest and back P90X. I ran yesterday morning after yelling out loud to myself to "Get out that damn door"  and did my hill route again. Love a day started with a run.  Its wonderful to run the hill route with the stroller but then to fly through it without the stroller the next time is awesome!
Rest day tomorrow.
Have you become a fan on facebook??
Have you ever thought of running barefoot? Do you run barefoot and want to read more about it or have questions? Check out my giveaway for The Barefoot Running Book!
Check my sidebar for some great giveaways around the blogsphere!

Today has been a very strange and exciting day. It started out with Story Time with Milo(4) which was delightful and then was filled with bureaucratic frustration and angst when we got home. It is so frustrating when people screw up and its out of my control and it affects one of my spawn. The services and funding that my son Jupiter gets is only achieved after jumping through many a flaming hoop.
  After talking it through with my dear one and realizing that its not anything more than a super annoyance and not really a set back, I was able to finally relax and let the anger go.  Minutes later I came across a unique opportunity that is uber exciting!!!  Will find out more next week but wish me luck that this turns into something that works for me as well as for my family!   Change is hard. Even the good kind but it sure is fun and I am so glad I have my dear one to share it with!
"Move like a jellyfish rhythm is nothing you go with the flow you don't stop." Jack Johnson, Bubble Toes


  1. change is hard. i feel like i had that epiphany over here myself today. it's with my nutrition and change. ;-)

  2. Cool toe nails polish. Mine is green now. I can't get used to it.

    Seems you had quite an emotional roller coaster today. At least it ended on a high note.

    I haven't become a fan on facebook. I ditched my account, at least for now. I don't like their recent moves. I might get over my anger though.

  3. I'm sure your bare feet are way prettier than my running shoe feet.

    Hope the new thing works out for you...

  4. My feet are chewed from the Flying Pig last week. Even my hubs commented on their grossness....
    Hope everything works out!

  5. love the punk pink! I hope everything works out for you!

  6. Love the polish!! Hope today is better for ya!!

  7. I love that quote at the beginning! I have seen you commenting all over the place and thought I would check you out! I don't run barefoot, but your blog is very cool : )

  8. I love Jack Johnson. And the toes look great!

    Found your FB page--good for you for making one. I need to get on that--told myself I would do it at 200 followers and that is coming up soon (yay!)

  9. You have the best runner's feet, barefoot or not, that i have ever seen :)
    For real!

  10. I was hoping you were going the JJ route w/ bubble toes.

    Have a great weekend!

  11. Love the pink toes. They remind me I need a pedicure. Right now.
