
Monday, May 10, 2010

Sweaty Bands Giveaway!!

This giveaway is closed!  Thanks for participating!
  I put on a Sweaty Band at about 9:00 Sunday morning. As I was preparing this blog at 10:30 Sunday night the band was still in place. It hadn't moved and was still comfortable. Throughout the day I ran 7 miles, gingerly changed my clothes so as to not mess up my hair, showered although obviously did not wash my hair, played with kids, and lived a busy life without a stray hair in my face!
  I have unruly and thick hair that I love and am thankful for however it is at a stage where it is hard to put up because it is too short and too long to leave down when I run.  So I rock pigtails and a headband often!
I have been using a cotton bandana ever since my glass blowing days but when Sweaty Bands sent me some bands to try I decided that the days of the slipping bandanas may be over.  Sweaty bands have a velvet underside that is key to it staying in place and a soft elastic that hugs but not too tight.  They come in all kinds of patterns and colors so there is something for anyone.
Sweaty bands sent me an extra pack to give away!

You will recieve one Chackra Dots in the wide style.

And a Do the Polka Dots  in Skinny Black and red

Here is how to enter to win a Two Pack of Sweaty Bands!
  • Follow my blog!  (this is the only mandatory entry, all others are for extra brownie points!)
  • Link up this giveaway to your own blog
  • Tweet, facebook, ect
  • (You don't have to answer all) Tell me what your hair is like. Do you like it? Would you change it if you could? I rocked a mohawk for a year and loved it. I then shaved it all off when I wanted to start over and it was one of the most liberating things I have ever done. The growing out phase....meh. Its had its ups and downs. Done anything crazy fun with your hair? Done something you regretted?  
  • This giveaway will end Friday May 14th and I will post the winner on Saturday.
    Here is my fauxhawk

    Here it is with it shaved on the sides. 

    Right before I posted this I remembered this photo!  Here I am with little Archimedes a few weeks after shaving my head after rockin the mohawk for a year!

    It was fun while it lasted but I am ready for a ponytail again!  I am not a high maintenance person when it comes to my hair, I just really want it out of my face!!

    Good luck on the contest and don't forget to check out my other giveaway!
    I am loving how many entries there are!!  I knew you wanted to know more about barefoot running!

    (Sweaty Bands sent me their product to try out for free. The review is my own.)


    1. Pony tails rule!

    2. Now my hair is shoulder length with pink and blonde highlights. I've had all different colors. Lengths from shaved to mid back. I change my hair like I change my shoes!

    3. Linked it to my blog- you can see it in the right hand sidebar of my blog.

    4. My hair is boring but ok....I am growing it out a bit to get my shaky ponytail back. I miss having it...

    5. I hate my hair- It's curly and most of the time I wish it were straight it just seems so much easier to manage. Never did anything crazy to my hair.

    6. My hair is dark brown, straight, and thin. Have always wished it was thicker or curly or something different. But right now, I'm actually pretty content with how my hair is.

    7. I am a follower...and I LoVe Sweaty Bands!!!

    8. A few years ago, I dyed my hair myself. I left the color/bleach onto long, and ended up with damaged, almost white (not blonde) hair! I ended up getting it cut really, really short. Since then, I have let the "professionals" handle it, and it's almost back to its original length!

    9. Oh Gosh! Right now.. I HATE my hair! It's in an awkward shoulder length phase and it just doesn't seem to grow.. It used to be midback, THICK, wavy/curly and I now wish it was still like that! I also have some horrible layers that don't seem to stay back to well when its in a ponytail. Not to mention my color is in an awkward brownish/blondeish stage... lol I need to get it done.. I use bands sometimes when I workout but they slip alot and I end up taking them off anyways..

    10. My hair is stick straight and very fine. Very few things will actually hold it in place w/o a lot of hairspray (not so good mixed with sweat). I've done just about everything to my hair... perms, color (purple was my favorite), shaved skater style. Now, I'm trying to keep it longish to keep it out of my face =)

    11. My hair is wavy...I got a perm in the 8th grade and it never went away. It's longish, and I go through cycles of having bangs or not. I mix it up by dyeing's been blonde, dark brown, now it's red, my fave!

    12. Wow--look at you! You have such pretty eyes you can pull off the shaved head.

      I'm going to post on my blog but still exempt myself after my last win.

    13. i like my hair for the most part. its sorta wavy but i straighten it. i wish it was curlier so i could wear it curly. but oh well.

    14. I LOVE your mohawk, you definitely have a face to pull that off, I'm jealous!

      I've always wanted to change my hair, I wish I could shave my hair off or buzz cut it at least, but my husband likes long hair and you have to compromise something in relationships ;) But I have been wanting a different color lately so I actually bought henna a few weeks ago and will be dying my hair this weekend!

    15. And I'm a follower of your blog on my Google Reader!

    16. you know i'm a follower. you also know that i hate my hair. i have been dying it some form of auburn, red, caramel et al for 15 years since sophomore year. it started it's ife as pin straight and very fine. around puberty it became ringlet curls which lasted about 10 years and for the last ten it has fluctuated between wavy, pretty straight and curly, but always always frizzy. it is not very thick. it is always dry. and i have tons of short broken hairs in the front from putting it back for running purposes.
      wierd stuff? hmm.. senior year i used to bleach these huge strips right in the front of it. i'd use that jolene bleach that they sell at the drug store for bleaching your arm hairs and such. i also used to weave crazy amounts of hemp wraps with little bells and beads at the end around chunks of hair. i can french braid my own hair better than i can anyone else's. i used to dye my hair for fashion, not i dye it cause it's gray.
      gimme some headbands woman!

    17. I am a follower! Also, my hair sucks! I have been dyeing it since I was like 12, so, it is really dead. I grow it out to natural occassionally, but, dye it again because of the gray! I can hadle that for a while, then the gray gets wirey and out of control, so, coloring is the answer for me. When I was in 10th grade, my sister gave me a home perm... I have very straight hair. THis perm was SO curly, I had no control over it. It was AWFUL. I finally had to straighten it back out with another home perm kit minus the rollers.... I am so dating myself here!

    18. i'm a follower. i think i saw these bands at the Boston Marathon expo but they were $18, that's a little steep for a headband that i never heard of. But, sounds like it might be worth it. my hair is frizzy. It's terribly embarrassing to be honest. here is a good story to explain...
      i work with a man who has no language, he is Deaf and draws pictures and uses mime to communicate. He had to draw pictures of his providers, he drew big lashes and long hair for one girl, a pony tail and earrings for the other...for me he draws 5 curls standing straight up on the top of my head. :''''-( COME ON RANDOM.COM, pick me!!!!!

    19. I'm a follower, and I'd love to try sweaty bands!

    20. My hair is shoulder length and a mix of curly and straight. Sometimes I wish it'd choose one or the other :-). I do have a lot of short wisps at the front though that are quite annoying when I run, and they often escape my hair clips :-(

    21. I follow your blog, thanks.

    22. I had dreadlocks for about a year and often wish I had left them to form longer. I got pregnant with my first child when I had them and with morning sickness and lack of energy maintenance went out the window so they got a little flatter and more unkempt than I'd have liked. I did really enjoy having dreads though. I have very flat mousy limp flyaway hair so having big hair for a change (which I also dyed purple) was much fun.

      Sadly when my son was born I got a little frantic and in need of a new look. Same kind of compulsive feeling as the nesting before having a child, I just got crazy and felt absolutely compelled to comb them out. I took me a mountain of hair conditioner and several days of combing!

    23. I am a faithful follower. (with 1/10 the guts you have!!)

    24. I have ridiculiously long hair. I pretty certain that people think I am a mennionite who forgot to bundle my hair. It wavy, curly, thick and heavy. Soon to be donated to someone who can't grow their own. I so wish I had the nerve to do something different! Probably because I live so close with my birth family and worry about their opinions, I keep things very much the same. When I first started wearing bright colorful bands to keep my hair under control (which I usually worn only a visor) everyone asked what was up. See, they question change. But someday, I will suprise them all!

    25. I am a follower.
      My hair used to be shoulder length long. I never really experimented with it so since high school it had been shoulder length long.
      Then something told me to cut it short. I did not have guts to shave it off but I cut it very short and now it is boy style short. At the same time my son, who used to love his hair very, short started growing it and not it is... shoulder length. Go figure.

    26. Oh, yeah, forgot. I am linking your giveaway on my blog. Nice bands. Really nice.

    27. Yes, I am a faithful follower:)

    28. I have longer natural curly hair. I had straight hair until I turned thirteen. I have good hair days and plenty of bad hair days:) I love going to the salon and having someone straighten it for always looks better when someone else does it:) Go figure!

    29. I have longish dark brown hair. I have always wanted dreads but haven't had the guts (or the job) to allow me to go for it. Maybe this year though!

    30. You said the magic words: they don't slip off--I'd love to try them!
      Already a follwer!

    31. My hair is actually something I've always liked. It's VERY heavy and straight.

    32. My hair is blonde and I have to say it is true: blondes do have more fun, lol! Actually I have come to appreciate it and really wouldn't change a thing : )

    33. I follow your blog on Google Friend Connect!

    34. My hair is very wavy -- but not curly. It's pain when I try to work against it. It takes me at least an hour to straighten it -- as my hair is VERY thick too.

      So most days I try to work with the waves and some product to emphasize the waves.

      With no product, even if I pull my hair back when running -- it gets WILD.

      This is what God gave me so I'll work with it. ;)

    35. You are so amazing. Seriously. I completely dig you & your sweet mohawk. THICK HAIR???? I wish. I'd love to go for a super short hair cut. This all one layered long thing is about the best cut [not-cut] for all the running. Hate whispy hairs in my face.....but then again....maybe this little band thing is MY ANSWER?!

      You rock.

    36. My hair is long, strawberry blond and pretty awesome. I can cut it short, let it grow, straighten it, curl it. I know - not what anyone wants to hear. I have managed some bad cuts as I have lots of hair and inattentive stylists miss wisps.

    37. I have long hair which is almost always up in a ponytail.

    38. I have thick long wavy hair that is pretty much in a ponytail at all times. It only looks good if I take the time to blow it out which I dont do often.

      The worst thing I ever did is try to die my hair red and ended up with the top of my had pink and the rest blonde.

    39. I just found your blog and became a follower... =)

    40. Brownie Points - =)

      I have naturally curly hair and have a love hate relationship with it... I have always said if i could shave my head and it would grow back straight i would. HAHA...

    41. I am a follower. I have to say, you totally rock the short hair look!

    42. I don't love my hair. I have a lot of it, but it's really fine and has no body if it's longer than chin length. It's also starting to go grey, so I'm not loving the short look right now either and the growing out process is not pretty LOL.

    43. I'm a ponytail gal - and love it. I sometimes think about chopping it off until I remember how unhappy I was 10 years ago when I did and had to grow it back.
      The only thing I don't like about it is the natural gray is starting to show - and, with long hair, more of it shows.

    44. I'm linking you to my sidebar.

    45. I have wavy/curlyish hair. Sometimes I wish it was straight just cause it would be easier to deal with. One time my sister put my hair in 3 different pony tails and cut each one was HORRIBLE! I had to go to 3 other people to get it fixed right. The worst was my senior year and it was a week from when senior pictures were supposed to be taken...

      I love the fauxhawk! I looks awesome!

    46. Following! My hair is wavy, I have grown to appreciate it but sometimes wish I had long lovely hair that didn't require clips to keep it out of my face :)

      love the faux-hawk!

    47. My hair is relatively curly and has a mind of its own. While it can sometimes be a hassle, I wouldn't change it.

      I really, really regretted a short haircut that I got early in high school. When I was wearing a baseball cap, someone mistook me for a boy and that was hard on my teenage self. I didn't cut my hair again for over three years.

    48. My Hair is long brown and frizzy if I don't straighten it! Until I received my straightner for xmas I hated my hair but now I can manage it and LOVE it!!

    49. My hair is naturally curly, and I straighten it every day. Right now it is horrible! After having my son, for some reason it started breaking off etc. I am working on getting it grown out and back to normally.

      Thanks for the giveaway!

    50. I posted your giveaway on my

    51. I really dislike my hair. It's wavy (not curly or straight) since I've had my boys. It used to be nice & straight and soft and I loved it. Now it's yuck. And it's darker since I'm not outside since I don't play softball anymore....ok enough whining. I loved when I was a senior in high school when I put orange, brown, & blond highlights in it. It looked sweet. I'm too lazy for highlights though LOL

    52. I follow in my Google Reader. My hair is curly and unruly. I love headbands and these look great.

    53. I am posting your giveaway on my sidebar...

    54. My hair has some pros (I like the color- reddish blond) and some cons (it won't hold any kind of style and I always end up putting it up) and I am always wanting to change it: long, short, medium, over and over again :)

    55. You are now linked on my blog!

    56. Honestly, I do like my hair - but only if I get it cut about every 3 years or so

    57. I briefly considered shaving my head after being offered 75 bucks in high school. I had the clippers out and was ready to get to it GI Jane Demi Moore style. My mom walked in and offered me $200 not to do it. Of course, I took the 200 bucks and would do it again today if it was offered :)

    58. I am a-following.

      Interestingly enough, I had a mohawk from the ages of 13-22. Yep, I was punk rock! It got really freaking long! I even shaved it off for a moment and left the bangs (a la Misfits devilock) and then regrew the sucker!

      Today, my hair is just all one length and quite long. I am not fond of my hair, it's a bit unmanageable. I found out that if I just let it grow really , really long that the curl calms down and everyone tells me how wonderful it is.

    59. I am a little late to the party here. LOOK At those pictures, you are so adventurous, you could be a model.. I think I am a Follower but better go check.

    60. now gladly following...I am very jealous of your hair. My hair never grew up. I still have baby hair and not that much of it. Totally sucks...

    61. I posted this giveaway on my blog

    62. My hair is thick! wavy but not wavy enough but not straight - thank god for caps & ponytails!
