
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Road Trip to Salina

Being flexible and allowing for spontaneity in life is work.  It seems counter intuitive to work at being flexible yet keeping things the same and sticking with the nice safe plan is what I am inclined to do.Change is hard on everyone.  Part of me loves to be daring and do things very much outside the norm and where I feel most comfortable with my peers that dwell there too.
Still I find that being flexible and able to adapt to new situations takes time and a calm diligence.  Wrapping my mind around letting go of the things I think I want the most makes for much more of a stress free existence.

I type this from my mother in laws house in Salina Kansas while the dear hubby chats with Linda as the boys play with the dogs and I sit and drink coffee and take it all in.  I had plans for Saturday but I let them go.  I had plans to run the Grays Lake Endurance Equalizer timed race.  I was going to do at least marathon distance that would qualify me for the Marathon Maniacs club.  Two marathons in two weeks is the bronze level qualification.

Instead we took and impromptu road trip.  ROAD TRIP!!  It was cold and raining and incredibly windy in Des Moines so we decided to bail and head south.  Now I am typing quickly before its time to go and run in the park.  I am thinking of doing a free 10k on Sunday at Bill Burke park.  I have not done an official 10k so although its not the Marathon Maniacs qualification I had wanted its still going to be fun, and free.

We will spend Saturday in Manhattan with my brother and his family at my fathers house. I don't think all of us have ever spent time together as a group.  I look forward to what the day will bring and I must mention how much the minivan rocks as a road trip vehicle.  Rocking out to Jack Johnson while driving down Kansas highway with Sam singing in the back and the boys sleeping is bliss.

As the end of the year approaches and I look back over the last 10 months and the goals I have set for myself I am pleased at how I have attained them and am still on track to meet the rest  by the end of the year. Looking towards 2011 and the goals to come up with for the next year I am uber excited to add qualifying for the Marathon Maniacs as a goal.
I am off to go and run in the park with the family.  Have a wonderful Thursday!


  1. Nothing like an impromptu ROAD TRIP! The free 10K sounds fun too. Enjoy!!

  2. Gotta love Jack Johnson! Enjoy your free 10K. I've never heard of a free organized run. Sounds GREAT!!!

  3. ROAD TRIPS are the best. Impromptu ones - even sweeter.

