
Thursday, December 30, 2010

aaahhh a barefoot run today!

  I have been in a cantankerous, depressed, downright crap mood for days.  Personal growth is hard and when things come up that demand to be dealt with I tend to fight it.  Now I am ready, I think, to move forward.  Mother nature must have known that I needed a reprieve and graced us with a 60 degree day with a warm wind and sunshine.

  I opened up the front door and listened to music and cleaned for most of the afternoon. Some Rhodeola and coffee helped too. When Jaymon got home we quickly got ready to go and ran right out the front door.   The cold wet roads made me feel alive again.

We ran  up to the cemetery and found that they have repaved about half of the roads there.  It was a mixture of ouches from the rough areas and ooooos from the smooth new roads.   I learned how to run barefoot in that cemetery and I am lighter than Jaymon so I have a higher tolerance for the rough roads there since they are so familiar and I have a positive association with them.

I was a little worried that I might get some hot spots or blisters running on the wet roads barefoot. Its tricky and one must pay close attention to form. My feet have maintained their resilience and I only have one hot spot on my right big toe which isn't really even worth mentioning.  It will be completely healed by tomorrow  I'm sure.

Tomorrow will turn cold again and stay that way for a while it looks like but I feel better to have gotten out there today.  I felt strong and full of forgotten energy and ready to keep moving forward.

On a completely different note,
My dad, Skip Bishop,  sent a card over Christmas telling me that he met a fit looking woman wearing VFF in New Mexico at the Gila Cliff Dwellings.  This fit looking woman in VFF knew who I was.  What a small and random world!!  He couldn't remember your name but was excited to tell me about it.  Who are you VFF Cliff Dwellings lady???

Happy New Years Eve Eve!
This is what I had playing as we stepped out the door to run today!


  1. My mom said it was 60 degrees at one point in Omaha today, so I hope Des Moines experienced some of that warmth too!

    Glad your run helped you elevate your mood!

    Thank you again for passing on your nuun products! Can't wait to post about it!

  2. I'm so glad that you finally got back to running. Great tune to get started with.

    Angie, you underestimate your fame. I'm sure that anyone who is into barefoot running has heard about you by now. You're phenomenal!

    Happy New Year!

  3. Sounds like you have happy feet!
    Can I borrow some of your nice weather? Its still rainy here?

  4. Moving forward Angie Bee I love it!!! Happy for you and your needed run.

  5. glad to hear that the feet held up! I managed a barefoot run today too, but mine was on the beach so hotspots were kind of a non issue.
    Happy New Year to you and the family!

  6. Hey Angie....Glad you got in a good run. Sounds like you're famous in the world of barefoot running. :) Funny thing is that you are the first person I think of when people ask about barefoot running...I say, "I know of a really amazing women named Angie who lives in Iowa who could answer all your questions...she swears by it! "

    Thanks for being willing to help promote my book. I'll keep you posted as we finish it up and send it off to publishers with our fingers crossed! :) Just going to keep putting out those positive vibes.

  7. I'm glad the weather cooperated and let you get a much needed run in. I found a new patch of pavement that I can't wait to try out, but it will probably have to wait until spring. Boo. I hope all things work out well for you. Good luck and have a happy New Year!
