
Friday, December 3, 2010

Foto Friday

Yesterday I ran 10 miles  in socks. It was just enough to keep my feet warm and still have good form.

Today I rode a bee. We rode the hell out of that bee.

And took one of the best photos ever. 

I love love love that little Archimedes knows what he likes.  He chose those bright pink snow boots.  He refused to try on anything other than that style.  They are the easiest boots to spot when we all need to go in a hurry and no one has shoes on!


  1. It looks like u had a great day. What a great picture of you all ride that bee.

  2. awesome...just look at their smiles!

  3. I love the run with socks. ::smiles::

    The pink boots made me giggle - too cute!

  4. I love that last picture. Your family is adorable :)

  5. Great ride with a very good company.
    10 miles in last run in socks was from the bedroom to the restroom.

  6. I hear those bees are wily. Great pic!

    Also, I responded to your email with my address yesterday but just saw that you didn't get it so I tried again. Let me know if it didn't go through. Thanks!

  7. That's awesome! Made my morning!! BTW how are the bottom of the socks??

  8. That is a great photo! And I love the boots! Hubbs gets uptight but I think it's best to let kids make the own choices. If LBM chooses to play dollies with his sister that's great. He plays cars and beats on everything in our home with his little hammer too. It's funny Hubbs seems more worried about LBM playing "boy" things than he ever worried about S'ghetti girl playing "girl" things. Wonder why men do that?

  9. I love your AHA moment video! So glad you are injury free now! I'm guessing you HAVE to wear socks in a Des Moines winter!! Great job on your 10 miles!!!

    And, the picture of you and 2/4 boys, is priceless!

  10. That IS a terrific picture! I also love it when kids make their own choices.

  11. what are the boots you are wearing/ are the bottoms flexible? PM me!! i have been looking for some ugg like boots that aren't so damn rigid on the bottom

  12. Oh my gosh..that IS the best photo ever!

  13. Great pics! What a wonderful day! I love love love that you let your boys make their own choices.

  14. You really can't let those bees push you around. Hold the reigns tight and really push them to do what YOU want them to do. :)
