
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Six word novels

EMZ six words
So Emz was on the treadmill and heard a story on NPR and then wrote her thoughts about it as a blog post.   (I love that you listen to NPR EMZ!!)  From an outsider looking into her life her candid honesty is pretty groovy.  She is a tough cookie on the outside and soft and sweet on the inside. So the six word thing....

According to legend, Ernest Hemingway once bet $10 that he could write a novel in six words. 
His novel:
“For sale: baby shoes, never worn,” he wrote.

The baby shoes novel is brilliant.
Its not easy but I have come up with a catch phrase from the exercise when you face difficulty...
"Hard as a six word novel"

In my mind I kept sounding like Yoda and couldn't quit!
"Think like Yoda, clarity soon appears."

and this....
"expected is not what life gives."
"run to find not away from"

and the novels...
"I thought you had done it" or "he who smelt it, dealt it" (borrowed but funny)
"Thank you, it made me happy"
"what once was is now undone"
"we struggled together now laugh often."
"I walked happily in sideways rain"
"washing dishes thinking about his life"
"You wear that facial flush well"
"Yes! I saved the day mom!" (Milo's 6 words he just yelled at me!)
"Face the mundane with smiling courage"
"change your mind to find happiness"
"Outside our cave the sun shines"
"Sassy yet submissive she embraced him"
"Bloody hell six words are addictive"
"Spend my day thinking in six"

To keep the creativity flowing, What are your six words??
 write a blog about this or leave a comment, I would love to know.

Thanks Dear EMZ!



  1. 1. Only dirty liberals listen to NPR.

    That one will be displayed in the Republican section of the bookstore. I'll make millions.

    Here's an ode to the ereader:

    2. Write many words - books are dead.

    (because an ereader stays the same weight, regardless of volume).

    A running book:

    3. You'll run well if you're patient.

    OK, those aren't novels. How about:

    4. Exhausted, they stopped hating each other.

  2. PS re #1, I don't really think there's a connection between political alliances and personal hygiene.

  3. Dang it Josh I bathed today so no NPR for me ;)

    Lovely novel sir Knight!

  4. Clear December morning, work required. Diddly.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Love the post, by the way, well done!

  7. ohhh very though provoking... hmm this is hard, and yes you do oddly sound like yoda!

  8. I should also mention that Wait Wait Don't Tell Me and This American Life are great.

  9. I could listen to car talk for hours :) They crack me up!

  10. This American Life is my favorite running podcast.

    My six word novel:

    Cookie dough shortage: Wide Spread Panic!

    Thanks for the fun post!

  11. That is a great one Steph!
    I love Wide Spread Panic and am looking for some tunes of theirs now. I like the Porch song and Space wrangler by them.
