
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nuun weekend! Shawn Johnson, Biggest Loser winner, and the Happy Diabetic chef!!

  I have the sweetest job!  This weekend I set up and manned the nuun booth at the Hy-Vee Whole Health Experience Expo here in Des Moines.  I was quite impressed with the crowd that showed up to sample. They were eager to learn and asked the most fantastic questions!  Many age ranges and walks of life in attendance all with the desire to learn about healthy living products available.
 The idea behind the event was to share information and samples of products available at Hy-Vee stores.  Hy-Vee is one of our local grocery stores and personally my favorite!  

 So what is nuun?  Nuun is an electrolyte replacement drink in tablet form.  It is a balanced blend of the four essential electrolytes, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and potassium.  Most people are dehydrated regardless of the time of year.  Nuun gives you a consistent water to electrolyte ratio for the best absorption.  It is not used only for exercise but also for when the climate is dry, when you find yourself sick and under the weather, when traveling, and anytime you feel the need for hydration.

Its light in flavor and the ease of use and portability are the icing on the nuun cake!  Oh and there are new flavors out too.....this is a recap however about the Hv-Vee expo and if you want more info the website is a great resource.   Remember I got the job because I love it so much and its super easy for me to gush about it!  

  Between sharing the love with expo goers I was fortunate tthat my booth was located directly across the main stage.  Do you remember Shawn Johnson?  She is an Olympic Gold Medalist from right here in Des Moines and she was also the winner of Dancing with the Stars. 
She spoke shortly about her upcoming plans and spent most of the time answering questions from the audience.  Poor thing had just had her wisdom teeth out so no photos with fans since she was not supposed to be smiling much due to the pain.  She has quite the fan base here in Iowa.  She has plans to compete in the 2012 Olympics and is looking to attend Stanford in the future.  Of course I gave her some nuun!

   I also got to meet Rebecca and Daniel from The Biggest Loser.  Rebecca is from Des Moines and is currently living here now and a personal trainer at a local Pilates gym. Talk about charisma!  This girl can move an audience for sure.  Her story is compelling and the way she tells it is so personable and sincere.   I hope to get in touch with her at the start of some local races we both plan to run.  She is such a sweet girl and one of those insta-friend kind of people.  Her and Daniel were a great speaking team and laughed and smiled pretty much constantly.

  Of course I gave them some nuun.  Daniel told me that they had to take some nasty electrolyte pills at the farm during the show and he was stoked to hear about nuun being a tasty alternative.  

Rebecca, Chef Robert Lewis, and Daniel

  This fun guy in the middle is the Happy Diabetic.   He takes everyday dishes and international cuisine and shows us how they can be prepared healthfully and delicious.   He is currently in Bettendorf Iowa so yay for another fellow Iowan.  He also hails from California originally so being a California girl myself it is even more "smallworldish" to have met him.  

  Nuun is fantastic for diabetics as it does not spike blood sugar levels.  Being sugar free  insures a speedy delivery and absorption rate.  Robert told me that nuun has been at other events he has attended and has been a fan for a while now.  

  My oldest son Sam came to the event with me and was very pleased to be able to share some nuun with Chef Robert Lewis as well as hang with the other celebs.  Talk about charismatic and a fantastic nuun rep.  He went up and met Nicole Johnson the 1999 Miss America winner.  She was also diagnosed with diabetes and has taken her diagnosis and turned it into an opportunity to share her story and educate others about healthful living.  
Sam of course gave her some nuun.....what a kid  guy right!  

  It was an exciting day full of learning and very satisfying social interaction.   I look forward to next years event!


  1. Sounds like you met some amazing and motivational people this weekend! Where would I find nuun here in MN? Running stores? Whole Foods or other co-ops?

  2. Sounds like a very inspiring event, have to have a search on the internet and see if I can get some Nuun, over here in England, thanks for the post.

  3. Sounds like a good time. HyVee is my store of choice as well, I like that they have a big organic section.

    Question: On long runs do you use anything else with NUUN? Any Gu's or Gels of any sort or is NUUN all encompassing. I am trying out some new fuel options for my marathon training.

    Question: As I transition to barefoot running/minimalist running. Should I Focus on quantity of barfoot workouts of time of barefoot workouts?

    Any tips are appreciated!!

  4. What a fun weekend! It's nice that you could hear all of the presentations and meet all of the celebrities. It sounds like The Biggest Loser needs to start using Nuun!

  5. Richelle, Here is the dealer locator link!
    otherwise the website is great to order from too!

  6. Nikki, I use clif gels and shot bloks for fuel. They don't upset my stomach at all and what I used for my marathon in October. I ate a TON of gels and bloks and felt great the whole time!

    About the barefoot running, it depends on how you feel...crap answer I know but its true. I went up about a mile every week or so but I was completely barefoot so you may have to modify.
    I would run 3-4 times a week and my long run would be the one to go up a mile. I went mainly by how my body felt and taking it gradually. Slow and steady :)

  7. A nice week end with interesting persons.
    Glad your son came with you to share such beautiful experience.

  8. I'm glad Rebecca and Daniel are still together. I really liked both of them.

  9. gymnasts and biggest losers! double score! awesome job you've got there! if nuun ever wants to expand to the east coast... lemme know :0)

  10. Sounds like you had a great work day. I'm jealous I watched the Biggest Loser when Rebbeca and Daniel were on it and Rebbeca won. I would love to meet them someday.
