
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Taking the Amtrak to VIVOBAREFOOT

Terra Plana has invited me to participate in the VIVOBAREFOOT coaching program with biomechanics expert Lee Saxby.

  The planets aligned and I am now planning to go to New York City to attend the class and then from the city catch a train up to Rochester NY to run Mind the Ducks 12 hour of which only has 19 spots available to sign up.  So if you want to go, better make plans now!

  Did you catch the part about me catching the train?  I just received my confirmation email and am so excited!  Why the train you might wonder.  Since having children I have given up on my daredevil ways. I still have the gumption just have more restraint.  No more bungee jumping or skydiving and enter in a fear of thunderstorms, appendicitis, and flying.

  Flying and airports give me a  public school vibe with the rules, security, unhappy airport personnel, and even more cranky scanned and harried travelers and yet so many people think that things have to be done this way.  Not for me.   I will arrive my reasonable 30 minutes early to board the train and sit back and watch the beautiful scenery go by.  Yes it might take longer but the time I spent relaxed opposed as the time I spend stressed is worth it.

  I was told today by a friend that the Amtrak seats are incredibly comfortable and roomy and that the trip itself is relaxing.  The lounge and food cars are charming and since I will have layovers in Chicago and Washington DC my train will come in to the station located in the middle of the city.   I can go and explore for a few hours and use public transportation or even walk.   I think that riding the train may be number one on the list of things I am excited about!  Seriously, Amtrak, if you read this, you should sponsor me!

   Booking my trip was easy on the website and only $311 later I have a trip from Osceola Iowa, and on a side note, why the hell is the train station 30 minute drive from Des Moines??   That needs to be worked on as well as high speed rail from Chicago to Des Moines and beyond.

  Like I said, the planets aligned. On May 7th I will roll into Washington DC on National Train Day.  This makes my heart ache that my boys won't be there to celebrate.  The youngest two spawn are nuts about trains.

  Amtrak is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year and there will be events and exhibits at Union Station from 1:00-4:00.  There will be an exhibit car debuting at the station that day as part of the celebrations. The Exhibit train will spend the next year traveling around the US.

  Now I am obsessed with trains!  Ever seen "The Station Agent"?  Excellent movie. Not so much about trains but the people.
   This is a diverse blog if you have not noticed.  I am thinking just now how wonderful it is to have so many interests!  I used to be bored so often as a child and even into my teens and twenties.  Now there is not enough time in a day.  Its either barefoot running, minimal shoes, bees, trains which leads to eco friendly travel ect ect, and of course my four boy spawn and not to forget autism and throw in my husband too and I am a busy happy girl.


  1. Oh how I wish I could work out getting to DC for a meet up!! That would be Day # 363 (assuming I survive the 50 miler that is).

    I think taking the train is a GREAT idea. Hubbs and I have talked about taking the kids on a train ride out west (when LBM is a little older). You are going to have a great time!

  2. I've only been on a train once and it was forever ago.

    Thi sounds sooooooooooo exciting!!!

    Have a blast!

  3. I've taken the train from WI to NY several times and it is a relaxing time...I'm sure you will enjoy it!

  4. I have SEVERE flying anxiety and I have tried to convince my husband (he flies weekly) that we should take Amtrak for our next trip. I can't wait to read about your trip!

  5. In my twenties I travlled from Chicago to New York on the train and loved every minute of it, not a great flyer either!

  6. How fun does that look!!! YAY!!!!!!

  7. Congrats on your trip!
    Station Agent IS a good one...

  8. Too cool! I think the train sounds fabulous!

  9. I love taking the train. So relaxing. You can read or just ponder the universe. Planes are noisy and they make me tense.

    Enjoy the ride!

  10. I'm from upstate NY but now live in NYC... I take the train between the two all the time and the ride along the Hudson is GORGEOUS!

  11. Now I understand what you're doing in New York. That's awesome.
    Travelling by train is great; it lets you see the country and appreciate it for what it is.

  12. I’m a total train fanatic/freak/geek from model rains all the way up to the real deal. This is very exciting! National Train Day…! Take lots of photos please!

  13. How fun! My cousin takes the train all the time because he doesn't like to fly. It sounds really interesting!

  14. My in-laws have been traveling by train in the last couple of years and just rave about it. I'm stoked for a trip to take advantage. Hope that NY will be great times as well!

  15. That is so cool! We would like to take our kids on a long train ride somewhere. And you're so lucky to get to learn from the master! Although you have quite a bit of experience yourself! I'd love you have you watch me run and give me pointers!
    Have a great trip!

  16. How about doing a barefoot run in DC? We have a little group that will have just run together on Barefoot Running Day on May 1st! When will you be here?

  17. I've always wanted to go on a trip and travel via Amtrak. My brother who lives in Boston usually takes Amtrak home for Christmas... he's shared some interesting stores. I can't wait to read about your experience!

    Oh, and there are lots of places in the Twin Cities where I can purchase nuun. I'm going to go to my local REI (and spend my dividend check!).

  18. So exciting! My mum and I sometimes ride Amtrak in the winter when I won't brave driving in the snow in the mountains (my mum doesn't fly).
