
Monday, April 4, 2011

Most excellent barefoot run!

  It has been long time coming to have a run go as well as todays.   I ran nine barefoot miles with my big sexy husband.  I finally accept and remembered that I need to fuel at about 4 to 5 miles if I am going to be running over 7.  There is no sense in trying to push through a wall especially when running with a partner.  My feet felt great and only one tiny hot spot from sprinting.

 As we rounded a bend into a residential area we came upon a speed reader....of course we had to see if it would measure our speed.  The first pass at our casual pace was 6 mph and you have to run right at the machine and then swerve when you see a works!  My second try was 10 and that was so not good enough.  I thought I would go for 11 but I got 12 instead.  FUN STUFF!

  Jaymon led us off road and I braved it barefoot.  I did not want to turn around.  I would just be careful and hope that Gaia would be kind to my feet.  The dry grass is pokey but we ended up on some horse paths and it really was lovely.

 Check out those clouds!  The wind was intense but it was not cold enough to offset the heat produced from running.  We both felt fast and healthy today.   My sweet spot comes around 7 miles and even though it starts to hurt it doesn't matter.  I accept it and just keep going with a smile on my face.

  Its nice not to have to contend with traffic as the path leads behind the houses.   I was surprised that I felt as good as I did having worked all weekend at the Natural Living Expo running the nuun booth.  Seems as though a run is just what I needed to get my energy back!  Not just physically but emotionally as well.  All of me needed to remember that I can run.  I can run well and I love it!

  My soon to be five year old spawn, Milo, is going to run his first race on Saturday!  I just signed him up for the Loop the Lake Little Lakers Race.  Milo was born on my birthday five years ago this Friday.  I am going to take him to his first race Saturday morning at Grays Lake.  I think we are going to have lots of fun!
Here's to a good week!


  1. Your run sounds like it was a lot of fun. I'd love to run in front of a speed reader to see how fast I'm going. Good luck to Milo on Saturday!

  2. What an awesome run! You are pretty darn speedy! I love how a run can renew your body and spirit. It always amazes me when I can finish a run with more energy than when I started it!
    Sounds like Friday will be a big day at your house! I have a five year old little guy too! What a great age!

  3. Hahahaha! I love how you played around with the speed sign. If I ever came across something like that I would have probably stayed and played all day trying for my personal best!

  4. 12 m/'s like 5 min/mile!!!
    You are fast!!! :-)
    Have a wonderful and happy Birthday on Friday.

  5. Sounds like alot of fun playing with the speed reader.
    Nothing like a barefoot run with a smile on your face to renew all sorts of energies. Well done!
    Good luck for Saturday and happy birthday for you both on friday.

  6. So AWESOME Angie.. Beautiful run and so great about Milo's race!!

  7. Sounds like an awesome birthday present to both of you!! My (then 3 year old) son did his first race this past ocotober after I ran Des Moines. He did the Little Goblins Monster Dash and STILL talks about it! I might sign him up for the Boystown Memorial Day run....they have a 400m for kiddos!

  8. i am just seriously fascinated by parents who have their kids loving to run! it makes me want that weird??

    YEAH for great runs!

  9. Good luck to Milo! I want to find a speed reader now! how fun : )

  10. Cheers back at you...
    Happy Birthday, Milo!

  11. What a great run! Love that you got both on and off road in.

    Go little guy this weekend at his race! I love watching/running with my kids. Such a great thing to share.

  12. Great that you and your main squeeze had a wonderful running day together!
    Happy birthday to you and Milo, Friday! Good luck to the little running man in his first race also.

  13. speed reader pic has to be my favorite running pic I've seen in a long long time. I soooo would have done the exact same thing.

  14. Love the readout! I'm of course jealous because I've tried to get it to register when I've run by them before without any luck :)

  15. Sounds like a fabulous run!

    I'm hoping to meet up with you in May, but we have a soccer game right about the time you get into DC. Will you have a layover on the way back?
