
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring is soapbox season

  Spring has sprung.  As I read a blog by a fellow barefoot runner (barefoot as in no shoes and not "barefoot shoes") it hit me that soapbox season has started!   This is when barefoot runners start to realize that warmer weather is here, the first races of the season are on the calendar and those minimal shoes that we convinced ourselves that they are wonderful  have been tossed aside.

  For me, I decided that winter would be shoe testing season.  I thought it would make it easier to accept the inevitable cold.  It was fun.  I like most all of the shoes I have tried and I  have made some wonderful friends and connections in the process.  Last week after running 29 miles and only 1.5 of those in shoes, of which in hindsight I didn't need,  all the joy that running barefoot can bring came rushing back from my feet up.  I love to run barefoot.  There are no shoes out there that can come close to being barefoot no matter if their marketing claims to.  Granted I like some of my shoes, but they are still shoes.  They keep my feet from chatting with the ground as they meet.

  So now when you read barefoot running blogs or posts you will find much more "barefoot is best" on the top of the lists (as it should be) instead of all of the usual advice such as keeping your cadence around 180, relax, midfoot landing, ect.  Don't get me wrong, those are all important but listening to your feet is all you need and the rest will come.  I have been reminded of this as I welcome spring with my feet and dust off my soap box!

SOAPBOX on my friends!!! Run happy!  Run Free!  Free Your Feet!!  Welcome SPRING!!

The true sign of spring is when sweet little boys bring their mama flowers for the first time this year!


  1. Soapbox season. I have never heard that yet. Sweet. Angie I have a question. I ran today in my vff for 9 miles but what I noticed was my left leg seems so heavy compared to my left. My left leg I thought I could run for ever. But my right leg was so heavy. I am having a hamstring tightness on my right side. Just see if you have any input for me. Had an awesome run. Love running in the vff's. When I put my running shoes on for the last 3 miles it felt so weird.

  2. I made up Soapbox season today when I was thinking of this blog :)
    I know what you mean about putting the shoes on! It is a weird feeling.

    I would think that the hamstring tightness is causing you to not be able to pull your leg forward as fast as the other leg. If it starts to hurt don't push it. Maybe focus on pulling with your hamstrings when you run next as well as focusing on relaxing them.
    I have tight spots here and there. Just be ready to stop if it hurts.
    So glad you had a good run!

  3. Awwww. Sweet boys. And beautiful flowers. Spring has definitely sprung!

  4. um yeah I ran in shoes all winter.. we know how that turned out! Happy Spring!

  5. I got a dandielion from my little boy! That totally counts!!!!!!

  6. The warmer weather is so calling me. I've been out in bare feet twice now and you're so right. There's nothing like bare feet dancing across the ground. I have no idea why people want to wear shoes. My goal is to go barefoot as much as possible, all the time:)

  7. Beautiful flowers, blessed mom.
    We're in autumn and i'm moving into less barefoot and more huarches. Will be thinking of your barefoot runs :-)

  8. My little guy picked a flower as we were going to his pre-pre school. I thought, oh how sweet that I still have a little guy to give me flowers. Then we walked in and he give it to his teacher.

    Well, she is like family to us but still...

  9. Glad I could be part of soapbox season! Thanks for linking my blog!
