
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Celestial Seasonings Winner and some randomness

  My life is now back to blessedly normal.  We traveled over Thanksgiving back to Kansas where the superhero and I's families live.  The boys travel very well and we had a great time.  I adore my mother in law and we stayed with her while in Salina.  It was a nice change to go on a road trip but now I have some projects to get busy on.  I am teaming up on a project with my dear friend but before I devote too much time to that I need to get the stack of reviews I need to write out there. Seriously a stack.  Procrastinators unite!!......tomorrow.....

  While in Kansas I pilfered my sister in laws crocheted hat bag and made a new blog page with hats for sale!  She refuses to sell them so I will do it for her.  The real winner is whomever buy the hats!  Seriously one of a kind!  I get asked where I get my hats all. the. time.  The page RadHats is here.  They are made to fit adult heads but as you can see from the photos they fit kiddos too.  I will take pictures of me modeling the hats soon so you can see them on an adult noggin.

  My oldest son spent a week staying with my dad and his partner.  My father brought back my oldest spawn today and came with gifts, bikes for the boys, and plants today!  My father is an avid gardener and has the most beautiful house plants.  It's lovely to have even more greenery in the house.  Between the christmas decor and now new plants its quite cozy in here.   I have been also dreaming of spring and keeping bees.  I should be making lists of equipment I will need come bee time.  Bees are a priority this year.  See, randomness.  It helps me from wanting to just bitch and moan about the cold.  I do have a new Pategonia goose down coat I was sent to review that has been keeping me nice and toasty so, so far winter has been bearable...Jeesh it's not even officially winter yet!

  Ok, procrastination and distraction over.  The winner of the Celestial Seasonings Wellness giveaway is
Mike from On and off the trail  Congrats Mike!!  Shoot me an email with your address so I can get it shipped off to you soon.

Thank you everyone that entered and check out the Sony W series Walkman MP3 player giveaway I have going.

  To help get into the season....

Cheers friends!

1 comment:

  1. As much fun as traveling and spending time with family is, it's always nice to come home and settle back in. Anxious to see your reviews and more than a bit jealous about that Patagonia jacket!!
