I am not sure how old my treadmill is. My father gave it to us a couple of years ago and it was a hand-me-down to him. She keeps pluggin away and I totally love her. Many treadmill belts get hot after about a mile but not mine. Easy peasy to run barefoot on. She is LOUD but all treadmills are kind of loud. She has character and has seen me through many miles and all that goes into those miles.
One of the great joys of running for me is going. I love to keep going and going. What is tough is the having to get back part. I worry that I will get out really far and not have it in me to get back. The treadmill lets me keep going and then just a little farther and then dig deep to go even further. When I am tired I just hop off and I am already in my nice cool basement with typically a bunch of crazy boy spawn playing all around which makes me happy.
I miss the hills, although I can manually raise the incline on my girl, hahaha, and the trees and the smells but its not like I don't ever get out there its just been tough lately but I refuse to give in and think that I won't go on runs that are hours long in the summer evenings.
I recently cleaned and organized the basement which was a long overdue task. It needed to be done for myself but also for the preteen oldest spawn who likes to have friends over to hang out or he likes to watch netflix without being bothered by his brothers. He needed some space.
We have a tire swing, a heavy bag, some mats on the floor, a kids picnic table, the treadmill, and weights. Its the basement of a rental so there is only so much I can do but I still want to paint and I have some Amtrak posters to put up and a GINORMOUS Millennium Falcon to hang but can't decide if I want to keep it on my bedroom wall or put it in the basement.....
When I run I like to watch shows or listen to music and I am surrounded by my comfortable home with people I love. I still would like to get out and run out in the world but lately its been tough to get out there. I have nothing to complain about though because I have chosen to love my treadmill. I am lucky to have her. It may not be forested trails or dessert mountains, or even the lovely trails that we have downtown, or better yet my lovely cemetery route, but I have all of that in my heart and mind so its there with me where ever I am.
Angie Bee
Ya for treadmills. At least you know, no matter what the weather is out side you can always jump on the treadmill and get a good run in. There is something to be said about not having to run in some of this heat that will be coming our way soon. Glad to hear you are still running girl. Have a great weekend Angie.