
Monday, July 30, 2012

Walking barefoot

This time of year is the time to strengthen those feet. Walking barefoot is the place to start. I like to wear easy on/off sandals so I can slip them off to be barefoot whenever I want and yet have them there to put on if my feet need protection again.

You might find that the sensations of being barefoot are quite intense at first. That's normal and through practice the intensity will fade to be replaced with enjoyment.

The key is to relax and be mindful of how your body is moving. Walk with an upright posture and take smaller steps that land under your center of mass. The walking gait is distinctly different than a running gait. A walking gait is a heel to toe movement where the heel lands first and then the foot rolls through to the toe and then lifts off again.

Notice the sensations that you feel. Warm brick, cool grass, although be very careful in grass as it hides potential dangers. Being barefoot is safest when you can see what you are stepping on. Smooth dirt paths are my favorite but a cold hard linoleum is nice too.

Remember too that we wash our feet far more often than we wash shoes and feet are easily cleaned. Besides being barefoot will give you a great reason to get a pedicure! Pamper and be kind to yourself and strengthen those feet!





  1. everyone should walk more, whether it's in shoes or not! I'm weird though, i guess, because i don't walk heel toe unless shoes force me too.

  2. This is a good idea, especially for someone like me that has baby feet. I never go anywhere without at least socks on.

    Crying like a little girl when I step on a lego doesn't help my manhood at all..

  3. This is one thing I really love about the blogging world ... "meeting" such interesting people like you! (Four boys - oooosh! Days like today I think my ONE is going to be the end of me)

    You swung by my site, so I had to check yours out - really like your blog! I'm not sure if I'm ready to chuck my sports bra and tennis shoes and run away just yet ... but it's a tempting proposition, I'll give ya that. ;-D


    This is one thing I really love about the blogging world ... "meeting" such interesting people like you! (Four boys - oooosh! Days like today I think my ONE is going to be the end of me)

    You swung by my site, so I had to check yours out - really like your blog! I'm not sure if I'm ready to chuck my sports bra and tennis shoes and run away just yet ... but it's a tempting proposition, I'll give ya that. ;-D

  5. Walking barefoot is a great place to start. Just getting outside and getting used to the new sensations is an awesome experience

  6. Do you use those smartphone apps to track your runs?

    1. I use daily mile when I remember to add a workout however I don't use an app
