
Thursday, August 23, 2012

old school, no really

  We belong to this really great home instruction program through the public school system.  They provide ample assistance and yet let us do our thing as far as what we teach and how.  Today we went to pick up some books and curriculum for Milo.  They provide curriculum if you want it.  Milo is in first grade but we are still working on kindergarten reading.  He does not do well with phonics so we are skipping it and coming at it from another angle.  The HI program does have some newer material.  I took home the biology, chemistry, writing, reading, and social studies books that have copyright dates of 2007-08.  Not too bad but I vehemently turned down the books from 1981 and some are from the 70s.  Although I enjoyed looking at the hairstyles and clothing the material was so outdated.

   So much of what we learn is through experience and inspiration and from watching others.  We have lots of opportunities to talk about different subjects when we are doing our daily reading.  I have made our own reading programs with prizes for reading a certain number of books.   We always get the maximum of 50 books at the library but Jaymon and I have done that for years.  We have contributed to someones salary for sure in library fees over the years!  There is so much online to tap into.  I get overwhelmed just searching for stuff.  I bet a person could teach for years just getting ideas about homeschool from Pinterest.

 I will be glad when more is done online and materials are available through mobile devices.  I love to get books from the library but text books.  Expensive and become obsolete the day they are written.  Some things are constant but the way the information is presented continues to change.   I was kind of bummed that Milo wasn't as excited about the new Angry Birds Space level where the pigs take over the Curiosity Rover.  Ah well.  Maybe if I play it he will be inspired to dig on the rover too.

I chose to be happy today.  I ate a salad and also ate way too many lentil burgers.  I worked on the legacy that are my spawn, held pretty birds, and typed on my gorgeous ultra book without any sticky keys.

Angie Bee


  1. That looks like the perfect day to me. What can be better? Have an awesome Friday and weekend!

  2. There are so many great home schooling ideas on line. Now if I could just get on a better schedule! ;-)
