
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Vegan Vednesday Vega Energizing smoothie review

I can't believe it has been a week already since the last Vegan Vednesday. It has just flown by! We signed up my son Jupiter for school and sent my oldest son off to visit family in Denver and then there was the everyday fun of being a mom to four boy spawn and here I sit baffled at how quickly time can move.

For todays Vegan Vednesday I finished a partially completed review I had been meaning to get done of Vega Energizing Smoothies. I had to have something and since I didn't put together any new recipes I thought of this. Its kind of what Vega is for. Its for supplementing protein and nutrients through plant based sources.

You would think that I could get something put together since there are a ginormous amount of tasty looking vegan recipes on Pinterest of which you can follow me here!

So, the Vega Energizing Smoothie

This came in the mail in perfect timing! I am starting to eat vegan on wednesdays and calling it Vegan Vednesdays. This fits right in with that theme. A few times a week I will drink a whey protien drink but on the days when I am not wanting to go the dairy route I can now drink a Vega Protien drink.


From the Vega website-

"Formulated by Brendan Brazier, vegan professional Ironman triathlete and bestselling health author on plant-based nutrition, Vega Energizing Smoothie is alkaline-forming, free from dairy, gluten and soy, and contains no added sugar, artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners. Available in Bodacious Berry, Choc-a-lot, Oh Natural, Tropical Tango and Vanilla Almondilla flavors."

One serving of Vega Energizing Smoothie features

  • Two servings of veggies
  • 10 g of complete, plant-based protein
  • 5 g of fiber
  • 1 g of Omega-3
All you have to do is add water and shake it up. Its also great to add to whatever smoothie you already drink. I blended up a banana and some honey with the Vega for Milo to try.

Now you might think that it tastes chalky and unappealing but in fact they are quite tasty. I personally liked mixing it with fruit since it is a different texture than the whey protein drinks I have had lately. It is just as wonderful with a banana though and it is tasty enough to drink with just water if you are on the go.

I love love love that it doesn't have soy. I do not digest soy well and it has an negative emotional effect on me as well so I try and stay away from soy.

Its hard to find protein drinks without dairy or soy so this is a nice option to have on hand. So far I think I like the Tropical Tango the best. I was not able to try the Chocolate or the Vanilla due to them having Almonds but The superhero husband liked them.

What did you eat vegan this week? Are you doing Vegan Vednesdays too? What do you think of the debates that are going on about all the different diets out there. We have been arguing over which diet is best for years but it seems that these days there are the Vegan and Paleo camps and not as much in between. What are your thoughts on this. leave a comment if you like, I would like to hear what you have to say!





  1. You gotta try their chocolate flavor its definitely best tasting one.

  2. I think these would be good mixed in with my normal smoothie receipe for the added vege serving & protein. :) or maybe with some PB2 mixed in!
