
Friday, January 25, 2013

Keep on Dancing in the face of adversity

  Today's pose is one of the physical manifestations of the god Shiva.  Now when I read stuff like that I get a feeling of wanting to back off and not go there.  I used to be quite religious and have moved very much away from that.   I am spiritual however organized religion turns me off.  So how is it that I can love yoga and want to know more about the other aspects of yoga you might ask.  

  Well, its the same way I can find things that make sense in many other belief systems.  I am a humanist and a mother and care taker and person who wants to be happy just like all of us on this planet.   I look for knowledge and wisdom anywhere and everywhere.  Everyone has some and I want to see it even if it comes in the form of a dancing blue god with a few too many arms.

    Being a spiritual person..  Being a person, a human being, comes with responsibilities to myself and others.  I believe that taking care of others will be what saves me.  Its what makes me happy on a profound level.  It is simple and easily done throughout the day.  Smiling, a compliment, a word of commiseration, preparing food, a thank you or a hello, takes care of people.  I know this because it makes me feel so good when others take care of me.

  Having things that you believe in and can rely on even when you are so low that nothing makes sense gives me a feeling of freedom and comfort at the same time.  I don't need a god to give me morals but a god can give me ideas.

   When I spread some love I feel free.  Free from the fear that so often plagues me and I know plagues all of us.  We all have to find our own path and learn to dance in the face of fear.  What are the options really.  To lay down and give up.  Some days I feel like that and I do give up and lay in bed and cry but more often than not I hold onto the things that I know to be true for me like taking care of others being a direct path to my own happiness.

Natarajasana Lord of the Dance Pose

  I learned about The Lord of the Dance Pose today on Nichole at Humble Beginnings Yoga's Instagram page.  Here is her description of the pose.

"Shiva is the god of destruction.  There are 3 parts to living: birth, life, and death. You cannot have rebirth without death.  It is just as important (but not as celebrated) as the other two.  This cycle is called Samsara, and another way to think of it is getting stuck in the cycles of our own lives;  Those that do not serve us  (patterns, behaviors, thoughts).  As Natarja, Shiva is seen dancing on top of a dwarf-like demon (ignorance), with serpents around his neck, (avidya-the toxic nature of thinking we are something other than divine) and surrounded  a ring of fire (samsara).  Shiva is unafraid of all these things.  He just continues to dance for he has enlightened knowledge and a high consciousness wich allows him to rise above daily dramas. In order to dance freely like Shiva, we must feel free.  Learning to dissolve fear and embrace change.  The physical element of Natarjasana also brings about the emotion of fear.  Its a balancing  and back bending pose: both manifest into fearful emotions becasue we must be brave and open our heart.  Be brave and free! Dance! Celebrate! "

  That makes sense to me and I highlighted the parts that reach out to my dubious nature that is skeptical of religion.   I feel a bit of a kinship to Shiva.  I have a destructive side that I am all to familiar with.  I am a fiery Aries and I am aware that it can be dangerous as much as it is exciting.  I have to work to stay at an even keel.  I can create amazing things and can jump into new projects with daring and vigor and I can tear them down with as much force as I started with.   That knowledge of myself is scary sometimes.

  But.  But.  I have some tools or truths that I allow to work for me and I am able, like Shiva, to dance amidst the chaos.  My chaos is my health these days.  Understanding and figuring it all out is a real bitch and wears me down.  BUT things like yoga, and writing, and my friends and caring for my family keep my head above water.   Something must be working because others see my struggle and triumph and want me to represent them too!

  I found out today that I was chosen, out of close to 200 applicants, to be an INKnBURN ambassador. This is so very cool!  Screw MS and Adrenal Fatigue and fear and hardship.  I will dance anyways!  I will learn and grow and gain greater understanding and wisdom despite hardship.  And now, I will look even better doing it!

Angie Bee

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