Do you wear high heels? Not just stilettos for work but any kind of raised heel shoes, this goes for men too. Are you a runner that runs in conventional thick padded shoes? Did you start running barefoot and do too much too soon?
We don't squat much in the states. The "campfire squat" or the "sitting squat" are done rarely and instead we sit in chairs. This video is about how and why to squat. You lower legs will appreciate it!
Here is my Previous post on squatting.
Kids haven't learned bad habits and haven't developed tight legs yet, so take cues from them. When you bend down to play or hug, squat instead.
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Angie Bee
Thanks for the video! It was a great example of how to squat properly. I'm still having problems getting my left calf muscle to loosen fully so I found this to be helpful. And your boys are adorable! So sweet!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the video! I can get into a full squat and hold it for about 20 seconds, but I still lose my balance. One thing I have noticed is I feel a lot of pressure on the tops of my feet. Seems kind of odd.