For now, until comething better comes along, he uses an iPod Touch 5th generation with Proloquo2go app. The short description of what this app and iPod do is that its a digial PECS system. PECs stands for Picture Exchange Communication System. Not only is the app icon based it also has voice output. So his "talker" talks for him. He uses his iPod 5 for taking pictures, watching movies, playing games, and listening to music. So its not only his communication device but a fully functional portable computer for him.
Here is the video review I did and a run down of all the devices we have tried so far.
As you will see in the video we have tried many devices. We started with PECS then went to a Dynavox. Next was an iPod Touch 4th generation. Then to an iPhone 4S, and then to the iPod Touch 5th gen that he is using now. All the i devices used the Proloquo2go app. We paid for the app once and have been able to put it on all our phones, iPads, iPods and only had to pay once. You can also have multiple users.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comments!! We have ran the gauntlet of communication devices and have found a lot of success so please let me know what you have found to work for you and I would also really appreciate it if you would share this with others you may know that are touched by someone in their lives who has autism.
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Angie Bee
Thank you so much for highlighting the usefulness of iOS devices and Proloquo2Go. We are so happy that your adorable son, Jupiter is finding it so helpful! If you ever have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us! Thank you again! ~ Laura, AssistiveWare Team