
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Natural Running Coaching Pictures, NB Hi-Rez, and #handstand365 Day 5

  I finally finished editing and writing up my assessment for a coaching client and it is also my case study for re-certification.  Its always fun to see the differences on screen. 

  My client started out a heel striker and if she keeps up practice she will be a forefoot lander as you can see in the above photo of her barefoot.  Her stride has shortened and the distance of her trail leg from her lead leg is much less., which is great!   

  Here she is with lines showing her posture.  I want to see a straight line from the back of the ear down to the center of gravity to the back of the heel.   She has had knee surgery years ago and says that heel striking causes a lot of pain and she prefers to sprint so the shock doesn't go into her knee.

  After only an hour and a half of coaching she was aligned and landing with a light forefoot landing.  She was pretty nervous about stepping on little rocks as her feet were tender so she is looking down a bit too much with her head instead of just her eyes but that will come with practice and desensitization of her feet over time.    

  Its not so much about becoming a barefoot runner but using barefoot as a skill to perfect her running skill overall.    Phenomenal progress!!  

  I have been checking out the New Balance Minimus Hi-Rez shoes out for when barefoot is not appropriate and so far they too are phenomenal!   It says right on the label however that they are not intended for trails.   The redish orange part of the sole is not rubber but cloth coated with a thin layer of rubber so not puncture resistant.  These are definitely road shoes but man are they light and flexible.  Truly surprising at how little material they are made from and quite comfortable with the awesome tongueless design.   More to come  on the Hi-Rez!

  Today was Day 5 of #handstand365.  More practice outside in the middle of the backyard.  I get asked a lot how long I am holding these and its only for a couple of seconds.  Right now its about building strength and finding that sweet spot where everything is lined up and I can float for a while.  I am finding that floaty spot more now even if its not for very long.   I am excited to see where I am in a year!

  Tomorrow is the first day of May!  Are you starting anything new?  Goals you are working on?  How are you doing on your New Years Resolutions?  I would love to hear from you!

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Angie Bee 


  1. oooh IM IN for the handstand challenge!


  2. I LOVE LOVE showing people their form. You did such a wonderful job showing everyone how the shoe DOES change your landing! Beautiful handstand.. wow!!!!!!

  3. i'll be participating in my first race in may. it'll be an autism awareness 5K in Clinton Iowa. Having aspergers myself, it'll be a good test case for how well i can handle that many people.

    As far as my resolution to run/walk my age, i'm happy with my training so far. I'd like to shoot for a 20+ mile day sometime after the 5k. My new (old) instincts from altra are itching to get ruined.

  4. That is so awesome Kevin! You will have fun and undoubtably learn about yourself and grow which is fantastic! I would love to hear how it goes.
    I do really like Altra. Great shoes!
