I had put a notice that I was selling the bike on facebook. Within minutes I got a response. Mary came over today to pick it up and she told me that she had been sitting at Childserve with her son who has autism when another little boy rode by on a trike and her son said he wanted one. She wanted to get him one but they are super expensive brand new. She looked down to see the facebook update on her phone and it was mine offering a bike for sale. The universe is awesome like that! She got a bike for her son and I sold ours to someone who I know will enjoy it and we sold it for enough to give us a little extra cash but make it possible for someone to have something special. Take that old patterns about stuff!
We visited the school that Jupiter will attend if we decide to stay. It seems like a wonderful school and it is hard to let go and believe that there will be something awesome for us all where we are going. Our lives have been shaped by autism for a very long time and its hard to let go of that mindset and take some risks for a while. We went to the meeting because if something does prevent us from moving then he will be set to go to school here next year. Gotta cover all the bases.
Today when I was practicing yoga outside it occurred to me that my mind has been hanging out in teh future quite a bit lately. I have to plan and imagine and work to get things sorted but I need to balance it out with time spent being present. Todays yoga practice was all about being present and paying attention to the moment and how I am experiencing this human condition right now.
It also occurred to me that this space I have been playing in lately has treated me well over the last six years. When I first moved to Des Moines it was myself and baby Archimedes just a little sprout in my belly with Sam and little Milo in tow. We packed our Festiva to the brim and stayed in a weekly motel until I found this place to rent. Jaymon worked in Kansas for about 18 months before being able to spend more time up here with us.
We have been in this house for six years. We have outgrown it. My children, the Superhero, and I have made some lovely memories in this space. Its nice to be able to find that calm girl inside myself where I can quietly appreciate what I have right now.
Sometimes accidents can be exactly what we need. I have to work to be open to things, even the accidents. Hell my oldest son was a surprise and he was the best one I have ever had! Todays accident was overshooting Pincha Mayurasana. It occurred to me as I was feeling sort of stuck against the tree that I was already headed in that direction so maybe I should just go with it. I had been too scared to try scorpion until today and I didn't have time to be afraid as I just happened to find myself there.
So far today has been about happy accidents and things working out in an unexpected way. And about hard work. Practice. Practice. Practice. and practice some more.
Trying new things for the #handstand365 challenge Day 12. I think I need to work on straightening my arms more. They feel straight when I am doing it but they look bent in the pics. I am on uneven ground too and I can see that one arm is straighter than the other.
In order to get a pike going you have to let your butt go over your shoulders and balance with your core and let your legs counter balance your butt. Quite glad I had the tree behind me although I didn't need it after I got my feet away from it in the first place. I got about a four second hang time while I was practicing out in the open but wanted to practice more but wasn't able to do it anymore so headed to the tree.
I will leave you with this lovely song by Regina Spektor. It was a song I discovered when I first moved here and it has been a favorite for years now. She is so lovely.
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Angie Bee
crazy question but when you come down from the handstand how do you do it? Do you bend over in bridge or walk down the tree with your legs?
ReplyDeleteI am not able to come down into wheel pose yet So I either walk down the wall or tree if I am facing it or if I am away from the wall I come down to the side. If you lift one hand you can twist just a bit to come down to the side and land on your feet.