Play is certainly different for everyone but having that kind of mentality can take you far when you are working on goals. Especially on those days that you have a not so stellar run or a crappy yoga session that didn't go the way you want or better yet the days when you get started only to realize that its just not in you and it needs to be a rest day. Those days are hard but if you just step back, smile, and do a little out of the ordinary little dance, or randomly hug a friend you are working out with, or do a cartwheel before you decide to call it a day will make the acceptance of needing a rest day or really for whatever reason you need a pick me up.
Its up to you to have fun and be happy. Life is tough so be kind to yourself and do a running man singing Cant Touch This (google it youngens its a classic ;) or do a cartwheel, or go outside for a minute and look up. Running past a playground, go across the monkey bars, slide down the slide. Have fun and play hard!!
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Day 16 of #handstand365 |
Remember you lovely adults out there, the kiddies are watching you and learning from you. Show them that adults have fun and play too. Hopefully when they are adults and dealing with a very stressful adult day that they will remember when you showed them how to play.
Happy Mothers Day you lovely life bringers out there. You care takers and boo boo kissers. You nurses, chauffeurs, house cleaners, bread winners, I send my love and hugs out to you. Keep on keepin on mamas!!
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Angie Bee
Awesome handstand! HAppy Mother's Day!