
Friday, September 13, 2013

Summer 2013 Playlist for Posterity

  This summer was the best summer yet.  I remember it through pictures but also through music.  It was long, hot, and we full  hard work.  It was scary with adventure,  risk taking, and calculated guess.  It was a summer of catching breaks that were well deserved of which I am  incredibly grateful for.   When I hear these songs I think of the summer of 2013.  The summer we moved from the Midwest to the Pacific North West.  Finally.  Finally, we made it.  We did it.  We did good, the Superhero and I.

  I discovered Safe and Sound right after we decided in May that we were going to do this thing.  This song was my soundtrack for many hours of sorting and dwindling down the pile of stuff to a minivan manageable amount.   We would indeed be Safe and Sound.  This was in my earholes driving through mountains of Montana and scenic vistas of Idaho.  It comforted me when I started to feel the altitude in Wyoming and while we waved goodbye to Kansas.  Which was bitter sweet.

  Cool mom award goes to me for turning the teen onto Radioactive by Imagine Dragons.  Bonding over music is one of the finer things about parenthood.  Especially in the teen years when you don't want to make an sudden moves and spook them.

 The Eels was also in my playlist while we packed up.

  I have distinct memories of listening to this in bed in Des Moines thinking and planning.  Dreading the heat of the summer and wishing that time would jump forward and we could just go already and yet at the same time hoping the suspense and dreams would last and be appreciated.  They were.

Because its sexy and made for a good background noise for blogging.

Because, well you know, family.  This song was sung and still sung out loud in the car with gusto!

  I have seen sunshine through the rain at least once a week since moving to Port Angeles.  Also a rainbow at least once a week.  AND a double freakin rainbow!  Double Rainbow!!!

   Not sure where Sweet Disposition came from but I have memories now of listening to this song looking out my new Port Angeles kitchen window with the sea shells and sea glass on my windowsill that we have collected at the seaside, with the mountains in the background. 

Ah, summer 2013, you were a good one.  There were more songs but these are the ones that have distinct memories tied to them.

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Angie Bee

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