
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What I wish I would have said

  Monday evening I did an interview with the guys from  At the time I was asked to do the podcast,  I was really exited about it.   Adam gave me a list of topics and questions they would ask beforehand so I could prepare.  I went over them of course but get stressed out trying to remember everything so I just said bleep it and winged it.    I felt comfortable and was aware of being authentic.   Sometimes I do better just winging it. 

  Today I am bummed about it and I knew this would happen.  It is the pattern I go through when I do stuff like this.  I wish I would have said so much more and so much less!  Insecurities are creeping in and I don't feel like I know squat about health and fitness.  The other part of me that knows better is trying to get through to my head but, you know, its a tough battle in that regard.   I NEVER LISTEN TO MY OWN INTERVIEWS.  Its just not worth it and letting it just go with the past gives my head peace. 

  So, the things I wish I would have talked about.   I wish I would have mentioned about taking care of each other.  Even at my very worst, if I switched my focus onto taking care of someone else, anyone else.  Just making a sandwich for a kid brings a sense of accomplishment and a sense of .......I don't know how to describe it.   It brings peace to my heart and the kid with the sandwich is happy too!

  I should have mentioned smiling more.  I don't like my teeth.  I want braces but they are stupid expensive.  My chompers keep getting more and more crooked over the years.   That said, I try and smile and smile big.  It makes me happy and is good for everyone to see me smile.  Smiling is contagious and reassuring.    
Smiling is like giving an invisible hug with your face. 

 Overall, I think I did a fine job of encouraging StressTeaing instead of stress eating and being confident in our experiments of one.  We are all trying to figure this all out and not every thing that works for me will work for you.  Encouragement of each other is something we can all give  even if our paths differ.......Okay.  On with normal life!   I will post a link when the podcast comes out the last part of January.   Then you can tell me what you thought of my blathering!! (every time I use the word blathering I think of The Big Lebowski, double high five if you get me there!)

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Angie Bee

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